Welcome to HeroPath®

Welcome to HeroPath®, a new approach to guiding your teen to a bright and bold future. As a parent, nothing can compare to the importance of helping your teen mature into a kind and confident adult ready to make his or her mark on the world. As the creator of HeroPath, nothing is as important as helping you make that happen.

To get started, download your free mini-course below. You’ll discover the seven critical decisions facing every teen and how to ensure they make the right choices.

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The 7 Critical Decisions for Teens reveals the seven choices that set the course of a teen’s life.

Are you worried that your teen isn’t living up to their potential? Do you see them making a series of bad decisions, and are you struggling to guide them onto the right track? Raising teens into responsible, productive, happy adults is a tricky task for even the most devoted parent, which is why we’ve created The 7 Critical Decisions for Teens.

Request Your Mini-Course and Discover…

  • How to positively influence who your teen socializes with
  • Why teens are so intimidated by failure–and what to do about it
  • How to help your teen tell the difference between good and bad advice
  • Why finding life direction far outweighs finding career direction
  • How to influence the decisions your teen makes when it comes to sex, drugs and drinking

What is HeroPath®?

HeroPath® is a unique proprietary program exclusively for older teens (16+) and young adults that delivers two invaluable outcomes: 1: In one weekend, helps them to identify their Life Direction, enabling them to be confident in the decisions they make in regards to career and personal lives. 2: Through customized coaching, equips them with particular personal skills and capacities they will need to successfully achieve the quality of life they want. To receive program updates, join the list below to learn about our launch in March 2016. Programs will be offered in the San Francisco Bay Area, New York Metropolitan Area, and in London/Oxford UK.

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Jeffrey Leiken is a Master Mentor and Advisor for Millennial teens and young adults, particularly those seeking substance in life personally and professionally. Recognizing their needs for real-world advice, guidance, and modeling, Jeffrey turned his back on the clinical psychology that dominates the personal help world, finding it unnecessary and at times destabilizing and destructive for youth who are otherwise healthy but are struggling with growing up. He created Evolution Mentoring as the much needed alternative. He holds a Masters Degree in Educational Counseling, is a Master Trainer of the MythoSelf® Process, has guest lectured at Stanford University, presented to over 35,000 parents, teens and professionals on three continents, and been a featured TED presenter. He is the author of Adolescence Is Not A Disease (Advantage 2016).